Is Your CPA Doing Everything They Can For You?

Is Your CPA Doing Everything They Can For You?

This is an important question to think through. How do you know if your CPA is doing everything they can to help you? It is disturbing to hear business owners and individuals rattle off several things they dislike about their CPA. When you dig further and ask the...
Don’t Fear Change – Replace Your CPA!

Don’t Fear Change – Replace Your CPA!

Why are people reluctant to switch CPAs? The main reason is simple, people fear change. There are multiple statistics that show the average client stays with their CPA for over 7 years. This is an extremely long time, especially when you factor in many common...
Salary Distorting Your Financials?

Salary Distorting Your Financials?

A common theme that occurs on many business owners’ financial statements is that the owner’s pay distorts the actual profit of the company. We often see owners paying themselves too low of a salary (more common) or too high of a salary. This discrepancy in...