Your tactical tax plan

Dont tip the IRS!

Break the status quo and get the largest return possible.

Break the status quo and get the largest return possible.

Are you caught in the loop of tax preparation each tax season, pulling out boxes of balances and receipts to send to an accountant once a year? A tailored tax strategy doesn’t just address the problems of today, but accounts for tomorrow’s needs, too. If you don’t have long-term tax planning factoring into your yearly returns, you’re leaving money on the table!

Most CPAs and tax firms are primarily focused on tax preparation, not planning! Tax planning is what generates actual ROI. When we create your tactical tax plan, we’ll assess your personal and professional wealth picture and provide you with a winning, tailored tax strategy. Our clients typically save $15k to $100k annually on taxes!

How Does It Work?

Our simple 3-step “Diagnose, Prescribe, and Fill” methodology helps you compare tax planning to a doctor’s visit.

1. Diagnose

We identify (Diagnose) any tax problems you 
may have

2. Prescribe

This is where we solve those problems with forward-thinking and personalized tax plans (Prescribe)

3. Fill

Finally, we put our best tax experts on the job to implement those strategies and file your taxes (Fill Your Prescription)

Think of your tactical tax plan as a diagnostic report that will show you how to solve any tax problems you may have. Your custom strategy will take advantage of all relevant tax codes specific to you, show you how to prepare for upcoming changes, and how to actually apply those strategies to your returns.

Take Advantage of Our Tax Code Expertise

Just like you’re an expert in your business, we’re experts in the complex and ever-changing language of the US tax system. Let us use our 30+ years of tax & financial expertise to customize an ingenious tax plan that will flawlessly transition your business to the next level–and add an unexpected revenue stream.

You need a service that understands business, not just how to crunch numbers.


You need someone who understands how to plan for the future, not just respond to the present.

We’ve seen it, studied it, overcome it, and want to pass on that knowledge to you!

Go beyond the gains and losses of one tax year and ditch the CPA or tax service that only understands tax preparation. Our deep-dive tax assessment of your full wealth picture is designed to provide you with a custom, forward-thinking and actionable tax plan that will save you thousands, and ultimately help secure your long-term growth.

How Do I Get Started?

Submit the form below, and we’ll reach out to talk specifics and show you our expertise. Once you’ve onboarded with Upside CFO, we’ll build your tactical tax plan/tailored tax strategy. After that, we’ll start the work of helping you actually USE the strategy–so you can start seeing immediate and long-term results.